Going through a divorce is one of the hardest things you will probably do in your life. After all, you’ve spent years with someone who now you are parting ways with. You are probably dealing with a lot of emotions, and you’re probably trying to keep things together.

During this difficult time in your life where decisions will be made that could impact at the very least your immediate future, but maybe even your future for years to come, you need a divorce and family lawyer whom you can trust to get you the most favorable outcome as possible. Sarnacki Law Firm in Grand Rapids is such a law firm. With over 35 years of experience in the divorce and family law area, we are experts at divorce litigation, mediation, and alimony/spousal support issues, as well as child custody, child support, and property division. The divorce process looks different for everyone since every situation is unique. At our divorce law firm, we personalize your representation to your needs, and you are our priority. Below, we’ll go over a few things to look for in a divorce and family law attorney. Contact us today for a consultation!


Divorce is such a personal issue that choosing a divorce lawyer who will find out all your “dirty laundry” per se can be extremely challenging. You need the right combination of competency coupled with compassionate advocacy who will fight for you when needed. You need a divorce lawyer who knows the divorce process in and out and who knows when to negotiate and when to go to divorce court. In the end, you need a divorce lawyer you can trust. Sarnacki Law Firm is that divorce lawyer in Grand Rapids.

Sarnacki Law Firm has an impeccable record in the divorce and family law field, allowing our reputation to speak for itself. That being said, Sarnacki Law Firm cares about our clients and gives each one the attention they deserve. Our mission is to help you through this difficult time in your life the best we can, which we feel is by taking the weight of the legal side of divorce off your shoulders. When you don’t have to worry how your divorce case and child custody cases are going, you can concentrate on healing from this experience and figuring out what your life will look like moving forward. Divorce can be exhausting in all aspects. By relieving just a bit of the process, we hope to help you get the best divorce terms possible. Contact us today for a consultation!