Who has to pay child support?

Generally, the noncustodial parent will be responsible for paying child support to the custodial parent. In instances of split custody, neither parent may be ordered to pay child support, as long as their earnings and time with the child are nearly equal. If not, the parent earning the higher income will typically be responsible for some amount of child support.

How is the amount of child support determined?

Often referred to as “the guidelines,” Michigan’s Child Support Formula uses a number of factors to calculate how much child support a parent must pay.

How long must child support be paid?

In Michigan, child support obligations typically last until the child turns 18. However, if the child is still in high school and lives full time with the parent that receives the child support, then child support continues until the age of 19 ½.

Can child support orders be changed?

Yes. There are many reasons why a child support order may be modified including:
Either parent gets a raise or a new job that pays more
Either parent loses their job
Either parent begins to provide health care coverage for the child
The child’s needs increase
Custody arrangements change
If you would like to file a motion with the court asking to change file support, it is best to get legal representation. Get in touch with Sarnacki Law Firm in Grand Rapids now to learn how we can help.

What happens if I don’t pay my child support?

If a parent doesn’t make their court-ordered child support payments, the State of Michigan has a number of methods of enforcement. These include:

  • Withholding a parent’s wages
  • Repossessing a parent’s real or personal property
  • Garnishing state and federal tax refunds
  • Garnishing unemployment benefits
  • Garnishing worker’s compensation benefits
  • Suspending driving, occupation, sporting, and/or recreational licenses
  • Issuing a bench warrant for arrest
  • Denying or revoking a parent’s passport
  • Possible jail sentence

As you can see, many of these repercussions are serious. If you are unable to pay your court-ordered child support and wish to modify the order, contact us today. Alternatively, if your child’s noncustodial parent is refusing to pay their child support, Sarnacki Law Firm can help! Reach out to learn more and schedule a consultation.

Get in Touch Today!

David Sarnacki has devoted more than half of his life to helping individuals with divorce and family law. If you live in the Grand Rapids area and are undergoing a divorce involving child support or a child support conflict, Sarnacki Law Firm can help. We are currently accepting new clients. Contact us now to get started.